Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lion, Lamb or Angry Kitten?

I got up this morning, anxious to see if March had come in like a lion or a lamb. (Due to the old superstition that if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb, and vice versa. Meaning, for those unfamiliar with the superstition, that if March starts out with bad weather it will end with beautiful weather, and vice versa.)

Kitten image courtesy of Koci'tka 298 and Morguefile.
So, back to the lion and lamb thing... in Morrow County, March came in like an angry kitten. It's not quite bad enough to call it a lion; the weather is warm for an Ohio March, but it's rainy and windy. It's not quite nice enough to call it a lamb because it's pretty gloomy.

This March, 2012, came in more like an angry kitten - it might give a tiny slap, but it's pretty easy to forgive because it's pretty nice compared to an actual lion, aka normal March weather.

So I wonder what it means for us weather-wise when March comes in somewhere between the lion and lamb. Will it stay "angry kitten" all month? Or, sticking with the lion/lamb theme will it go out like a happy kitten since it came in like an angry kitten?

Feel free to share your thoughts about the lion/lamb/angry kitten thing, or anything else you might feel like discussing. (The comments section is open at the end of the post and, of course, the forums are also available for your convenience.)

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